Surgical & Non-Surgical Face Aesthetics
Botulinum Toxin Injection
With the application of botulinum toxin, movements of the involuntary and overworked mimic muscles on the face are suppressed. Thus, mimic lines formed on the skin bound to muscles are prevented.
What is botulinum toxin?
Botulinum toxin is a component produced by a kind of bacteria. Today, it is produced in the laboratories for medical treatments. It prevents the muscles in the applied area from working for a certain period of time.
Who can have it done?
Moving your mimic muscles involuntarily more than usual causes mimic lines on the skin to occur at an earlier age. With the application of botulinum toxin, movements of the mimic muscles are suppressed for a certain period of time. Thus, no lines on the skin occur due to excessive mimicry. Anyone over the age of 18, if our doctor deems appropriate and does not have a medical obstacle can get this application.
How long does the effect last?
Though varying from person to person, the effects last for approximately 4 to 6 months. You can have the procedure done again when the mimic muscles start to move again after the injection.
What do you need to be careful about after the injection?
It is recommended that you do not bow your head too far forward for two hours after the injection and do not rub the injection points for a period of time to prevent the drug from spreading to unwanted areas. You will be informed in detail about what you need to be careful by our doctor.
If I decide to stop having the procedure done, will I end up worse than I was?
This is not the case. Under the influence of the drug, your mimic movements and the resulting mimic lines will be suppressed, and after the effect of the drug disappears, your facial expressions will be completely restored. Since your skin will not be under the influence of your mimic muscles during the treatments, you can even say that your face will remain younger when compared to someone who has never had the procedure.