Face Aesthetics


Surgical & Non-Surgical Face Aesthetics

Who can undergo a face lift (rhytidectomy)?

Over time, sagging may occur on your face due to gravity, and these sags may make you look tired and older than you are. If the signs of aging on your face bother you, you can have a face lift surgery.

What is considered when performing face lift (rhytidectomy)?

We take an approach towards eliminating signs of aging without disturbing your natural look.

How is a face lift (rhytidectomy) performed?

Face and neck lifting operations can be performed together or separately. Along with the excess skin, SMAS on the face and platysma layer on the neck are tightened.

Will there be pain, bruising and swelling after face lift (rhytidectomy)?

Each person has a different pain threshold. By means of preparations made before the operation, surgery and anesthesia techniques during the operation, and medicines given after the operation, we ensure that you get through the whole process in the lightest possible way. In cases of bruising and swelling, a 90% reduction is observed within a week.

What is the length of hospital stay?

If everything goes well, you only need to stay in the hospital for one evening.

Would I have any problems after face lift (rhytidectomy)?

In your appointment with our doctor before the surgery, you will get detailed information on all possible problems you may encounter during and after the surgery. All necessary precautions are thoroughly taken by our professional team led by our doctor to keep the risk of undesirable problems to a minimum.

What is the process after facial lift (rhytidectomy)?

There will be a special bandage on your face after the operation. The next day the dressing will be opened and at the end of the first week the bands and sutures will be removed.

When can I return to social life?

After about 15 days you can return to social life.

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